Friday, June 29, 2012

More salsa & merengue!!

After another afternoon of Spanish classes we headed back to Salsa Dreams, a dance studio here in Antigua. We reviewed the salsa and merengue steps from last week and then learned some more. Despite being exhausted from all the physical labor during the service project our students did a great job dancing! Here are some pix:

The sign on the bathroom door at Salsa Dreams!

On the ride home after dance classes we passed through San Pedro Las Huertas, a small town outside Antigua. They were having a feria and we decided to stop for a while and take a look around. Izzie, Lauri, Gabe & Phebe went on one of the rides and managed to attract quite a crowd of spectators. Apparently four gringos screaming their heads off for the duration of the ride was entertaining!

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